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Hey,im Mohd Hidayat,currently muar,johor.. Im in a relationship...:) please be respect and I will respect you back.no any condemn here and i created this blogger just for express my feeling..do you follow okay?thanks:D


wish for you
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15 February 2012 | 01:00 | 0 Mines

ahhhhhh...aku bosan!!!cuti sem ni tade bnde na buat...cri keje part time la kot..na cri pocket money...
okey cantik...!very very bosan ye..hahaha
semalam aku gaduh dgn si dia.....bnde ni xtw cmne ley brlaku sbb motif dye y jeles mlebih xtntu pasal.....ahhh!!!
aku pernah rase jugk perasaan jeles mmg sakit hati tp si dia sruh aku brubah mcm biase&jgn control dye...ahhh!!!mane boleh bro...gilaa la aku nty...

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