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Hey,im Mohd Hidayat,currently muar,johor.. Im in a relationship...:) please be respect and I will respect you back.no any condemn here and i created this blogger just for express my feeling..do you follow okay?thanks:D


wish for you
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16 February 2012 | 06:11 | 0 Mines
tak senang aku da lupakan kau la pmpuan....memang susah gila..da hampir 4 years kite couple...4 years sayang.bukan 4 dayy!apesal kau maen II kn aku ha..kau cakap kau na brubah kn..tp ape yang kau buat..kau nak balas dendam??forget it...
Ape yang kau bole buad tyme buad salah hnye just say sorry  je??tu je la y kau mampu kn..pastu buat lagi bnde yang sama...walaupon your capital da dis talk pasal hal ni n da discuss kn kat aku...tp,aku susah na pecaye...sorryy....

13 february 2012...tarikh kite break kn....
harap kita mulakan hidup bru masing masing
aku memang xkn kongkong kau smpai bila2

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